MATERIART "Art and Science of Materiality in Architectural Design Education"

Creative Commons License

Gül L. F., Yağmur Kilimci E. S., Özkar Kabakçıoğlu M.

Erasmus Projesi, 2017 - 2021

  • Proje Türü: Erasmus Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Eylül 2017
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Nisan 2021

Proje Özeti

“O1: Architectural Design Studio Inspirations: Alternative Pedagogies” consists of the review and mapping of existing learning-teaching-experiencing environments and pedagogical conditions, practices, tendencies, and implementations in architectural design studios found in both formal and non-formal learning environments. While this report maps existing practices in non-formal studio models organized worldwide, it also bridges four outputs, mainly on formal learning environments, created over the project activities. The first is the papers, presented at the MATERIART Symposium I and compiled in the book “Materiality as Process,” sailing readers across the multiple ways of thinking/making of architecture by consequence learning architecture in formal schools. The second is the Glossary of MATERIART that reflects on the renewed essence of architectural terms and concepts. The third and fourth books share and discuss formal and non-formal studio models pursued by MATERIART partner institutions. The new art and science of materiality interact with all the sub- disciplines. Hence rather than focusing on specific courses in curricula (heritage, sustainability, technology), the thematic approach of MATERIART gives a real breadth of the discipline.

For the project activities, O1 structured a ground for the development of O2 and O3.

“Architectural Design Studio Inspirations: Alternative Pedagogies” resulted from five main activities:

  1. The scoping review of research outputs on Intensive Studios in Architectural Design (ISADs);

  2. The mapping and analysis of previous short-term architectural design studio structures;

  3. MATERIART partner institutions compiled their alternative pedagogies in architectural design

    studios in two books: “Materiality in the Architectural Studio Process Good Practices “and

    Architectural Models as Learning Tools;”

  4. Papers presented at the MATERIART Symposium I and published as a book entitled

    “Materiality as a process.” O1 retrieves several ISADs from this collection.

  5. The Glossary of MATERIART

Apart from this introduction, this output includes six parts. The first two parts share the mapping and analysis of previous short-term non-formal architectural design studios. The subsequent two parts describes how the books and the symposium map the studios both in the partner schools and around Europe. Finally, this report positions the role of the glossary in complementing and furthering the objectives of MATERIART.